Diese Website unterstützt die Bestellung innerhalb Österreichs. Für Bestellungen außerhalb Österreichs siehe hier
This website supports placing orders within Austria. For orders shipped outside of Austria see here


Simply contact us to find out if we can supply the desired product in your color of choice.

Due to the stock availability and general product requests by our clients, some products might not be available immediately in your desired color. Based on the number of products you need and when the partial delivery needs to be made, we can find a one-off solution to meet your needs.

Sure! Please fill out our offer request form, located here.

After filling out the form we'll analyze your requirements and make sure to get back to you as quickly as possible, with a competent offer and solution to your needs and budget.

If your company requires custom parts or special designs made from plastic, we can help.

Our Contract - manufacturing & development service is what you need. To see the general brochure and find out more about this service please visit our dedicated page here.