Diese Website unterstützt die Bestellung innerhalb Österreichs. Für Bestellungen außerhalb Österreichs siehe hier
This website supports placing orders within Austria. For orders shipped outside of Austria see here

Orders, Shipping & Payment

When you place an order on our webshop, you can choose one of the following:

Courier (DAP) - a courier will safely deliver your order. The shipping price will be calculated and included in your order total where applicable.

Pickup atltocation (FCA) - this means you come at our factory and pick up the order yourself. This does not add any additional cost to your order.

We offer three methods of payment:

Direct Bank Transfer - transfer the required amount, as per your order confirmation, in our bank account.

PayPal - pay directly using PayPal

Credit Card - we can also accept credit card payments, handled by PayPal. This allow you to pay online with your card.

Place an order online, on our store

Placing an order on our store is easy. Online orders placed on our webshop are usually handled faster, as the process of ordering is shortened. Besides this, our automated messages will keep you informed regarding the status of your order and shipment up to date.

Simply add the desired products & quantities in your shopping cart, and then proceed to checkout.

Remember to fill out the order form correctly, as we will use that data to process, invoice and ship your order.

Order by phone

If you wish to do so, you can contact a sales representative that is close to you, and give him a call to further discuss your requirements. On our contact page, you can find all our representatives.

Order by Email

You can also request an offer and order your products via e-mail. Be sure to also include a phone number in your message, as a sales representative will want to discuss with you about your order, to make sure that you are getting everything you need/require for your intended usage of our products.